
How to Spot Fake 2mg Green Xanax Bars Marked “S 90 3”

2mg Green Xanax Bars Marked S 90 3

2mg Green Xanax Bars Marked “S 90 3”, Xanax, generically known as alprazolam, is a highly effective medication for managing anxiety and panic disorders. The 2mg green Xanax bar, marked with “S 90 3,” is one of the most common forms of this medication. However, the rise in counterfeit versions poses significant health risks. This blog post will help you identify fake 2mg green Xanax bars marked “S 90 3” and understand the dangers associated with them.

Why Counterfeit Xanax is a Growing Concern

Counterfeit Xanax has become increasingly prevalent, driven by high demand and the potential for substantial profit. These fake pills often contain harmful substances that can lead to severe health complications or even death. Recognizing the signs of counterfeit medication is crucial for your safety.

Identifying Authentic 2mg Green Xanax Bars Marked “S 90 3”

Physical Characteristics

Color and Shape: Genuine 2mg green Xanax bars are light green and rectangular. They have a smooth, uniform color and texture.

Imprint: The authentic bars are marked with “S 90 3.” The imprint should be clear, sharp, and evenly spaced across the bar’s segments. If the imprint appears smudged, uneven, or misspelled, it’s a red flag.

Size and Texture: Real green Xanax bars measure approximately 15mm in length and 5mm in width. They should have a consistent texture without any irregularities.


Authentic Xanax is dispensed in professional packaging, including detailed labeling, lot numbers, and expiration dates. The packaging should be free from spelling errors and include comprehensive information about the medication.


Always obtain your medication from a licensed pharmacy or healthcare provider. Avoid purchasing Xanax from unverified online sources or individuals, as these are common channels for counterfeit drugs.

Warning Signs of Fake 2mg Green Xanax Bars

Inconsistent Imprint

Fake pills often have imprints that are blurry, uneven, or incorrect. The “S 90 3” imprint should be clear and properly aligned. Any deviation from this standard can indicate a counterfeit product.

Incorrect Color or Shape

Counterfeit pills may have variations in color or shape. Authentic 2mg green Xanax bars are light green and rectangular. Any differences in shade or form should be treated with suspicion.

Texture and Weight

Fake pills may have a chalky or grainy texture and may not break apart cleanly along the scored lines. They might also feel lighter or heavier than genuine bars.

Unusual Packaging

Be cautious of medications that come in unprofessional or plain packaging without proper labeling. Authentic Xanax will always be accompanied by detailed packaging.

Suspicious Sources

Purchasing medication from unreliable sources, such as street vendors or unverified online platforms, increases the risk of obtaining counterfeit products. Always use reputable and licensed pharmacies.

The Dangers of Fake Xanax

Health Risks

Counterfeit Xanax can contain dangerous substances like fentanyl, which is a potent synthetic opioid. These substances can lead to overdose and death. Users may also experience unexpected side effects, allergic reactions, or severe health complications.

Ineffective Treatment

Using counterfeit medication means you might not be receiving the proper dosage of alprazolam, resulting in ineffective treatment of anxiety or panic disorders. This can worsen your condition and cause additional stress.

Legal Consequences

Possessing or distributing counterfeit medication is illegal and can lead to severe legal repercussions. Ensuring your medication is genuine helps you stay compliant with the law.

Tips for Ensuring Genuine Xanax

Consult Your Doctor

Before starting or changing any medication, consult with your healthcare provider. They can guide you on how to verify the authenticity of your medication and where to obtain it safely.

Verify Your Source

Always use licensed pharmacies for your prescriptions. Check reviews and verify the legitimacy of online pharmacies through resources like the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP).

Inspect Your Medication

Carefully inspect the physical characteristics and packaging of your medication. If anything seems unusual, contact your pharmacist or healthcare provider immediately.

Stay Informed

Keep up-to-date with the latest information on counterfeit medications. Being aware of new trends can help you better spot potential fakes.


The prevalence of fake 2mg green Xanax bars marked “S 90 3” is a significant health risk. By understanding how to identify genuine medication and being aware of the dangers of counterfeit products, you can protect yourself. Always obtain your medication from reputable sources, inspect it carefully, and consult your healthcare provider with any concerns. Ensuring the authenticity of your medication is crucial for your safety and well-being.

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